Next committee meeting Tuesday 3rd December 2024 at 7:00pm via Skype.
Next AGM Saturday 25th January 2025 at 2:00pm via Zoom.
Sunday 27nd April 2025, the Open Tournament.
Every Sunday, shooting at the club range, St. Dunstan's, 9:30am for 10am sighters, if it's very cold or wet there may not be many archers.
Tuesday morning, is very popular for those not working. Most Tuesday evenings from about 5:00pm (possibly earlier) until it starts to get dark, there will be probably be someone on the outdoor range (subject to the weather being OK).
The first one or two Sundays in the months November to March are at 30m for the frostbite BA Postal League match. We have 3 recurve team entered this year (2024/2025), so we need at least 9 archers to enter scores every month.
The annual Open Record Status and Rose Award Tournament is usually in mid April, between the end of the rugby season and the start of the cricket.
The beginners course usually starts in May, on Sunday afternoon or Tuesday evening.